
Monday, June 11

Mikhail (21M)
english, русский, 日本語を勉強しています!
undergrad psych major

→ astrology & various typologies
→ anime/manga
→ south park & other cartoons
→ genshin



deranged asocial schizoid sigma male

69 Following - 420 Followers

ミハイル @izamikey · 2m
gemini ☉, aquarius ☾, leo ↑
intp, 5w4, 594, sx/sp, phlegmatic

ミハイル @izamikey · 37m
oh no a kin page
(jk it's just some charas i find relatable)

mikhail -Today at 4:20 AM
i've been studying (tropical) astrology for over 6 years now and i might start doing readings. once i get over my imposter syndrome...
here's my anilist if you wanna know what i've been watching/readingand here's my spotify if you wanna see the music i likei mostly use this account to talk to my friends. feel free to follow i like talking to new people :3(click the profile icon in the top right corner if you wanna know my gamertag!)
